Saturday, January 8, 2011

Beginning again, in the new year

January is arguably the least inspiring time of year to start running again, in Montana anyway. The weather is about the worst it could possibly be right now, fluctuating between below zero temperatures with tons of snow and "warmer" spells accompanied by cold rain and ice. After being diagnosed with anemia, I took a couple of months off, and it couldn't have happened at a better time in terms of the weather, holidays, etc. During that time I focused on my health in general, eating really well, and doing much more yoga. I wasn't entirely inactive, I've been walking and skiing, swimming, sledding and ice-skating too. But I told myself that in the new year, I would start running again.

January is a great time to start things. It's a super time to focus on health and fitness. And I have been. I just haven't managed to get myself out there running. Yet. Jim is a constant reminder for me, as he has continued running through most of even the very worst weather, and he is always talking about his running goals for this year. He is inspiring, out there running right now as the snow blows sideways. And if it is windy up here in the trees, it must be crazy down there on the road where he is.

When I think of my running goals for the year, I start to get excited. But then when it actually comes down to running, there is some fear there. Fear of my hip starting to hurt again, or that debilitating anemia coming back if I start training really hard. It's tough to run on trails around here in the winter time, and I just don't love running on the road.

I told myself that I would start again this year, and already a week has gone by, no running. So I send out my intention through cyberspace today: I am going to go outside and run today, even if it is just one lap around the pond. Wish me luck.

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