Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Badass Shoes

I went running today, bear spray in one hand (it's that time of year), hanky in the other, for the first time in a week. It feels like longer. Last Monday's run didn't really count since I had to stop every few steps to cough or blow. But today felt pretty good. I also set up an appointment at Frenchtown Physical Therapy to get my hip looked at, and yesterday I went to see the good folks down at The Runners' Edge about my badass mountain running shoes.

Now I'm no badass mountain runner, at least not yet, but I would like to be. I actually got these awesome shoes, back in February. Because I suffer from chilblains, I wanted some trail shoes that would keep my feet warm and dry in the winter when I run. Anyway, I wore them a couple of times but they felt too wiggly, a little too loose, and I was afraid they were actually starting to hurt my feet, and may have even been the cause of my hip injury.

So as part of my re-commitment to running, I went down to the Runners Edge to see what we could do about the shoes. They are so great down there. They gave me some insoles to try out and I took em for a test drive today. I am happy to say, they worked great. Hopefully that has solved the problem. Of course, the real test will be the long run, which hopefully I'll work my way back up to soon.

1 comment:

andi said...

The shoes look great; I'm glad you found some insoles that make them functional. I've used Triad insoles for the last three or four pairs of runners I've owned (that I can remember). I'm WAY overdue for a new pair - as much as I've been itching to run (ok, jog) during my walks around the lake, I've promised my knees not to do it until I've gotten better shoes. Next weekend, I hope.

I'm SO glad you're feeling good enough to try running again.