Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Running makes me feel good. Or at least better

It has been nearly two weeks now since I went to the doctor and found out that I am anemic. I've been working on eating more food, and of better quality, and I'm sure that is making me feel better. I am also taking vitamin and iron supplements. I've had a couple of "good" days, where I don't feel like total crap, but for the most part, I still feel pretty wonky.

One thing that has helped -  *surprise surprise* - is running. The doctor suggested I cut back on the long runs and that was not a problem since I was completely exhausted, but each time that I have gone for a run, it has made me feel infinitely better.

While having both of the kids in school all day has been nice, it hasn't turned out to be the vacation I'd dreamed of all those years. There is still lots to do all day, and the time just flies by. Before I know it, it is time to go pick them up again. However, it has miraculously worked out that the past two Wednesdays (today and last), Jim and I have been able to go for a run together.

Running with Jim is so fantastic because we get to have time together, to have an uninterrupted conversation, and we really hash things out, the way I do in my own mind when I'm by myself. And I run faster and further than I would have if I was on my own (he runs slower and shorter, I'm sure). Jim is currently tapering his training for the Le Grizz, a 50 mile run that he is doing in about a week and a half.

So there we are, running along, and I start to feel like shit. He says, go ahead and turn back if you want to, I'll meet you at home. But I push myself to stay with him. I wonder if this is out of some insane desire to compete or at least keep up with Jim, one which I seem to have been doing, unsuccessfully, for about 15 years now (rock climbing, hiking, judo, kickboxing...), or am I just afraid of running into a bear all by myself? In any case, I feel much better when we are done, and I guess that's what really matters.

1 comment:

andi said...

Here's to never giving up! *chink*